Should I get it?
Published on March 2, 2008 By Imzadi In Customization Software
I've been using Skinstudio 5 for a long while now and have been wondering what people think of Skinstudio 6. I didn't like the Beta version of it at all, and was wondering if the Pro version is better? Are most people switching over to 6 and if you have, do you like it? I've been thinking of renewing my Object Desktop subscription but don't want to screw things up.  :/
Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 13, 2008
Then more to the point,close one app before editing with another.  
on Mar 14, 2008
Actually the save option in the current SKS6 builds does nothing at all.

How do you save the file you're working on then?
on Mar 14, 2008
I only use SKS6 to edit with directly. But I find myself viewing things in SKS5 as with those colours you have referred too Fuzzy. Just change the highlight to the color you want and that does it. you had it at 202,202,202. I usually use SKS5 to brighten the color or make it darker and keep the same hue then copy the setting via the code viewer to the uis file at the proper place. Then save it with like notepad or such - I never use SKS5 to save any work for a WB6 file. It will for sure do damage to all sorts of stuff used in the wb.
I prefer using SKS6 and it is the best I've ever seen thus far. Code viewer is there... you just need to be in proper place to view the right code element. Oh ya it is quickier and easier to run off to SKS5 and get the easy fix. But that is just it I never save any work I fix there. I just search the uis files and if in some cases you use Vista there is a Vista.sss file that will need to be matched with that setting for you to see it.
Happy Skinning everyone!

on Mar 14, 2008
As it is I open both SKS6 and SKS5 with WB config. and my notepad++ all at the sametime to edit a skin.
I use SKS5 to help find code[if need be] and edit code with notepad++ [using search option to find the correct entry.] {this is really good if I make a mistake for I can use the undo feature also in notepad++} Then as I said with WB config open I can apply said code to see how it comes out. If it all works fine then there is no problems. If I need to go back well I've not saved anything with SKS5 just edited with notepad or made changes via SKS6. Changes with SKS6 are automatic and do not need to be saved and can also be applied directly from the program.
When editing I always try to logoff before I start and remove any programs running in the startup I will not need. Seems anytime I have GUI changes for WB with SKS it cause's problems I do not need by running said back ground programs. {even an antivirus or firewall. most times I'm working offline too!}
All this makes an edit or change much easier and with best results.

on Mar 14, 2008
Actually the save option in the current SKS6 builds does nothing at all.

Why is it there?   

Anyway.. I think a nice addition would a open current skin option in main window, without having to go to File menu to choose that option.
on Mar 14, 2008
The ability to enable/disable Start Menu Shadow is now in SKS6.

It is there but it is not functioning.
on Mar 14, 2008
It is there but it is not functioning.

Well I guess it is a good thing I had already turned it off in SKS5   
on Mar 16, 2008
Start menu all programs text fix - when you use an image to replace the all programs text, set the angle to 900 and it stops the all programs area stretching when foreign text is there (which messes up the image alignment).

Would some kind person flesh this out for me a little more ? I've not keyed in on how to benefit from this tip properly.

I've been left aligning the default 'More Programs Panel > Background' text until it moves out of range, then importing an image complete with text into the 'All Programs Arrow' range. As long as I properly align it and use tile instead of stretch, it seems okay. Mouseover state also appears to hold it's kerning etc..

The brown text is the actual text on the All Progams button that changes state on mouseover. The pink text is just the overlay text I've imported to compare for size.

on Mar 16, 2008
Its the negative left content margin for the all progs background that shifts the text over 1 image state.(approx half the width negative of the backgrounds width)Do not touch the right content margin.

The arrow graphic must be exactly the same width as the background and be opaque(or the mouseover color will show thru in translucent areas)

Upper and lower content margins determine how tall your arrow graphic must be.

There can be NO semi-transparent pixels in either image parts that are within the content margins.You can have both opaque and totally blank areas at the same time.(like some empty space to the left of the menu,for SM's that dont sit on the screen edge)

Watch for stray pixels like shadows that might have extended left past the true edge of the menu.

Text angle of 900 just aligns the text vertically so different languages do not move the arrow around.(the arrow graphic covers what little would show if you didnt use an oversized arrow)

Test with large and small icons on the progs side because you may need to tweak the negative amount to work for test with a different language...sometimes you just have to play with it to hit the sweet spot.

Slider is done this way and so far not one complaint ... cross fingers.  

This was done in SKS5...I cant vouch for SKS6 or Vista.
on Mar 16, 2008
Many thanks IR, you're a star

I'd totally misinterpreted foreign as meaning any text that was imported to replace the default text - as opposed to foreign language. I've only just realised I've not even begun to get my head around those challenges yet.

on Mar 19, 2008
well i believe that most of you who have skinned alot in the past might feel more comfortable in SKS 5 and are set in your ways, Alas for a new user SKS 6 is easier to understand and learn in.
Where SKS 5 gives you too much info and tabs and buttons and a tree and loads of stuff you don't understand until you have made your first skin, i like SKS6 for the most part it isn't finished its in beta still even if they say its finished they aren't helping themselves by implementing stuff that does not work. It will put people off and i believe one reason for making a new revision of sks is to get more users which equals more skins which equals more income for stardock.... if stuff don't work right many people might just put it down and don't look back.

Im feeling the devs on SKS is sloppy.. saying hide shadow is in.. yes the non working option is but not really as mentioned above is just false as it does not work.. do they not test it before they get it out for other people to pay money for i mean its god damn easy to implement just make it add that string to the wb config file/code how hard can it be check your variables guys!? just gives bad press and the same goes for cursorFX..... Anyhow i also think SKS should be totally free or atleast come with windowblinds! It's pretty much a scam ultimately you pay them to work for them.

So here i am and maybe im a sucker but im considering getting the pro version for the MUST HAVE code tab.... if i had that i could just throw SKS5 away grrrr...

All that being said thanks for making these apps as its great fun
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