Anyone else have this problem?  I've had to run system restore three times in the last month and 1/2 after my computer would get stuck on the welcome screen.  This happens after I've done something with the impulse, either installed a new program or checked for updates.

on Dec 17, 2009

I have Windows7 and OD with all the bells and whistles, and have had no trouble, but I do have a suggestion: Have you tried uninstalling Impulse and then restarting and then reinstalling Impulse. It sounds to me [not an expert] as if you had a corrupted installation of Impulse the first time. The problem would not go away if the bad installation of Impulse was the first time it was installed and that was before your restore point.

on Dec 18, 2009

Curious, how do you know its OD? Maybe Windows 7 has an update that is not working well with your PC and when you do a restore it takes it out and eventually updates it again. Just wondering. Have you tried uninstalling impulse and OD to see if that is really the problem?

on Dec 19, 2009

I know its Object Desktop because it only happens after I've used Impulse, or applied a new skin with WB.  I haven't reinstalled Impulse yet, but I will try that.  I've always had a bit of a problem with Impulse, even on other computers.  I couldn't even use it on one computer I had.  It would crash it every time.

on Dec 19, 2009

I think you have some other things going on with either how your computer is set up or with your A/V, Security programs.

Give us some details of your computer, it may help in identiflying what the problem is.

I'm running Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit and Object Desktop 2010 and have not seen any problems like you are having.

on Dec 19, 2009

I think you have some other things going on with either how your computer is set up or with your A/V, Security programs.

Give us some details of your computer, it may help in identiflying what the problem is.

I'm running Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit and Object Desktop 2010 and have not seen any problems like you are having.

Hmm.... Well let's see...

Windows 7 32 bit Home Premium, Pentium 4, 4 GB RAM, Object Desktop 2010. I'm using Avast as my virus scanner. Anything else?

on Apr 15, 2010

Guess not. Still have the problem and it's been 4 months later. Oh well.