Should I get it?
Published on March 2, 2008 By Imzadi In Customization Software
I've been using Skinstudio 5 for a long while now and have been wondering what people think of Skinstudio 6. I didn't like the Beta version of it at all, and was wondering if the Pro version is better? Are most people switching over to 6 and if you have, do you like it? I've been thinking of renewing my Object Desktop subscription but don't want to screw things up.  :/
Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 03, 2008
Pictoratus: Which things?

Start Menu shadow and Fonts for Classic Widgets.

on Mar 03, 2008
As far as I've been able to determine, Sks6 does not rename images on import. That means I have to make a new image for every single element. Take for example I make a button image and import it. Then I use the same image in another section. If I edit the one image in any way then it changes the other section as they share the same image.

Also on import the checkbox for "re import if disk copy changes" is by default checked, so one has to remember to uncheck that every time

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about these things
on Mar 03, 2008
Anyone who's used SK5 can use SK6. However, SK6 is so seriously stunted that I find myself editing the uis with notepad.

Still using 6 just have to find somethings in 5 and edit uis.
on Mar 03, 2008
I used SKS6 for my first blind. SKS5 seems to be more difficult, to me. I did have to use SKS5 however, to move the username text to exactly where I wanted it and to remove the start panel shadow.

on Mar 03, 2008
So it sounds to me that overall, people aren't very happy with 6 so far. I've been pretty happy with 5 up until now, but was hoping to get some more Vista skinning elements. But I don't want to have to switch back and forth between them. That's too bad. (
on Mar 03, 2008
I skin XP 100% in SKS5.. move over to SKS6 for Vista substyles. Works out well.

Given a choice.. 5 is far easier imo. Quicker too.. not being able to click an image and go directly to the section is a massive drawback in 6 for me. Far too much navigating compared to click and there in 5.

Regardless.. thanlks to Neil for giving us what we have to use.
on Mar 03, 2008
every time I import a new image, skinstudio insists on deleting the previous image I imported before it will do anything else!

Try saving .tga's directly to the skin folder as opposed to converted png's via import.
on Mar 04, 2008
I didnt mean to sound like an ugrate in my last response to wb6.....i kind of think i did, so I would like to rephrase my comment......i DO like sk6, but i do find it hard to navigate. I also use sk5 to check my skin and make sure its okay...... I also want to thank Neil for the hard work he has put into wb6 to make it possible for us to even be able to skin vista.
on Mar 09, 2008
Start Menu shadow and Fonts for Classic Widgets.

The ability to enable/disable Start Menu Shadow is now in SKS6.   
on Mar 12, 2008
If your wanting to do Vista then you really have no choice...SKS6.
You can install both versions if you need them.
on Mar 12, 2008
Been away from skinning for awhile, but I have been thinking about jumping back in. I did download & tried 6, but felt completely lost. I think if I do decide to get back in, it will have to be with 5. You say you can switch back and forth between the two? Each will open the other's files?
on Mar 12, 2008
Each will open the other's files?

Yes. I use SKS6 primarily and only occasionally open SKS5. Glad to see you back geyster.
on Mar 13, 2008
Just make sure u save in 6, then close.. before openeing up in 5 and vie versa.
on Mar 13, 2008
Just make sure u save in 6, then close.. before openeing up in 5 and vie versa.

Sage it.  
on Mar 13, 2008
Actually the save option in the current SKS6 builds does nothing at all.
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